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Flowing champagne, resonating laughter and heartfelt embraces aplenty are a sure sign that the Holidays are well and truly upon us. Here at Chasing Unicorns, we wanted to take a moment to reflect upon what the holidays mean to some of our most favourite women from the Chasing Unicorns world. From our goddess models right through to some of the extraordinary women who have let us take a little peek into their worlds via our journal this year. In the spirit of sharing, inspiring and reflecting we asked all of these beauties just one question


We hope that you enjoy their beautiful, honest answers and from all of us at Chasing Unicorns we wish you a most magical Holidays xx


“For me, the holiday time is all about centring, slowing and prioritising. There is so much external pressure in the universe this time of year and I always try and concentrate on gratitude, family and love. It feels like there’s an expectation for things to be “better” or more “perfect” than usual. We take joy in the usual, spending our holiday days sun-drenched and without routine and that’s enough. We live simply, play with our animals, eat the things we normally eat, do the things we normally do and I just bliss out on my family!”


“During the holidays I celebrate MOTHERHOOD as my firstborn was born on Christmas Day late in the evening seven years ago.
That day the sun was shining in cold Amsterdam and the sunny house smelled like candles and our Christmas tree.
Love all over the place and going through labour together with my biggest love.

I wanted to make sure he was born on Christmas Day, haha.
They tried to distract me from the clock but I pushed and pushed and he was born 13 minutes to midnight! Yeah! We made it! So funny.

The next day we had this beautiful healthy soft baby named Eden underneath our tree in his rattan crib.
This year is even more special as I am in Argentina with my whole family for a month to be together and celebrate the Holidays like real Gauchos!"


"For me, the Holidays signals a slowing of pace more than a time of celebration. It means slow mornings in pyjamas with my kids, pancakes and a no rush mentality. My husband is a baker so the house is always full of delicious fruit mince tarts and spice-laden gingerbread men. Food always plays a central part in our families life so the holidays usually revolve around lots of incredible food and ensuring that there is good food for everyone to enjoy including those less fortunate by working with Liberation larder to organise lots of bread and meals for those in need within our Byron Bay community. We always head to the beach on Christmas day to throw ourselves in the water and to remind ourselves just how lucky we are to live this life that we do and to have our magic little family...(and fruit mince tarts...)"


“Simple is the word that comes to mind when thinking about the holidays. Simple living. Self-care and romance. Just the beach, a friend or lover, salty kisses and days spent completely sun-drenched. Bringing in the balmy afternoon with a rose and a flirty dress to carry out the evening. Just unwinding, switching off and embracing the fresh air”


Being from the cold Northern hemisphere the holidays to me are all about snuggling up in front of the fireplace with my family. The smell of baked goods coming from the oven, playing endless board games with my sisters (and then fighting about them) and fairy lights everywhere covering the rainy streets and canals of Amsterdam.


“To me, the holidays mean gratitude and spending time with my loved ones. I like the cosiness of the season, burning candles, taking it slow and realizing and naming all the things we are thankful for. Since last year our Christmas is extremely special, our son Mozes was born on Christmas Eve. It was a magical experience as the whole world felt quiet because everyone was celebrating the holidays, his birth was super quick and easy (well, as easy as giving birth gets). We will always remember the days leading up to Christmas as the last days with him in my belly and from now on our Christmas will start with celebrating his birthday”


“it means taking time to be present with my friends and my family and allowing myself to relax! Also FOOD…lots and lots of food!”


“The holidays have always been special but even more so now I’m a parent and I get to re-live all my childhood traditions with my children. It’s the magic of reading them stories of Santa Clause and his sleigh. The wonder of decorating the tree with Christmas lights and watching them glow at night. But the real joy is spending time with our family, with a bubbly and a barbecue and being thankful for another year surrounded by love.”


"The holidays to me are all about family. Just being at home in each others company, eating all the food that comes with the holidays. For me, that is usually meatballs, herring and prince sausage in front of a fire. This year will be my first hot Christmas in Australia. I'll still make meatballs but I'm super curious to find out what food we will be eating on Christmas day!! I'm very lucky to have a group of amazing humans around me to call family here in Australia, it makes the distance to Sweden a little shorter at this time of year. Wherever I am I always make sure to skype home on Christmas eve, its a tradition"


“For me living in Byron Bay is pretty much a holiday al year long, a beautiful, dreamy holiday. However, holidays also mean family, holidays are a great time to connect and reconnect with loved ones oh and lots of amazing home cooked meals!!”


"A time for reflection on all the glorious bits of one's life"